
King's Coronation Celebration

7th May 2023 13:00 - 16:00

A date for your diary – join us on Sunday 7 May to celebrate the King’s Coronation.

Thanks to Lawley Partnership Board, there will be lots of fun things on offer, details of which will be shared in the coming months. In the meantime, if any local businesses or charities would like a stall on the day, please contact us. In addition, we’ll also be starting the celebrations with a parade, so if you’re part of a community group or association and would like to be included, you can contact us for details. If you would like to join the parade and you’re not part of a group, you’ll be very welcome too and we’ll be sharing the route closer to the time. For further details about having a stall or signing up a group to the parade please email clerk@lawleyoverdale.org.uk. For stalls, please apply by the end of February.

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