
Lawley Management Committee meetings

The resident-led Lawley Management Committee (LMC) governs the work of BVT’s estate and stewardship service. Full committee meetings take place quarterly and from April 2024, residents have been able to observe meetings (details below).

At meetings, committee member discusses items such as financial performance and services provided by BVT’s Estates and Stewardship team.

In 2024, LMC elections took place and committee member details can be found here. If you’d like to find out more about being a committee member in the meantime, please either pop into Lawley Community Hub in the village square, call 0300 333 6540 or email [email protected].

If you would like to observe a Lawley Management Committee meeting, the dates and links for pre-registration are below. Agendas for each meeting will be published below no later than seven calendar days prior to the meeting.

4th February 6pm-8pm https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/0ca7557c-cdaf-42c3-8ba4-071d7280aaea@225a989f-fb44-47ea-a1f5-ccaaf8ef2bc6

13th May 6pm-8pm  https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/201774bf-10c9-4568-8e63-406da14ab3a8@225a989f-fb44-47ea-a1f5-ccaaf8ef2bc6

16th September 6pm-8pm https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/a27d02d1-5de7-4b5c-8a2c-53d15af29b21@225a989f-fb44-47ea-a1f5-ccaaf8ef2bc6

11th November 6pm-8pm  https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/2064af29-f21d-4ded-8eae-724a15f4e3b8@225a989f-fb44-47ea-a1f5-ccaaf8ef2bc6

Minutes from each meeting will be published with the agenda for the following meeting. Please be aware some details may not be published due to confidentiality requirements. If you require further details on topics raised, or you have a question/query/issue that you would like to speak to a member of the BVT Lawley Estates & Stewardship team, please contact us by popping into the Lawley Community Hub in the village square, call us on 0300 333 6540 or email [email protected].

The Lawley Management Committee is responsible for overseeing the work of BVT’s estates & stewardship services.

From April 2024 residents can observe the LMC meetings online by pre-registering (details below). The meeting will be in the format of a webinar and a moderator will be present to deal with any queries during the meeting.

You will be required to agree to abide by the following code of conduct:

Meeting code of conduct

Any behaviour by observers which breaks this Code of Conduct will result in them being asked to leave the meeting:

  • You will need to pre-register your attendance. You will be asked to provide your full name, post code and email address.
  • You should enter the virtual lobby on time, if you arrive late, you may not be able to attend the meeting.
  • You will not be able to directly ask committee members questions during the meeting but can use the chat facility (which will be monitored by a moderator) any questions asked will be responded to after the meeting.
  • When using the chat facility, you should not use abusive, threatening or intimidating language and treat everyone with consideration and respect. You may be removed from the meeting by the moderator if you breach the code of conduct.
  • You must be committed to the principles of equality and diversity and accept that LMC and BVT work for the benefit of all its stakeholders regardless of location, gender, race and ethnicity, nationality, disability, age, sexuality, lifestyle choices or tenure type.
  • Any comments or questions considered to be offensive, inappropriate or contain any information that may put anyone at risk will not be accepted and such questions/comments deleted by the moderator.
  • During the meeting your microphone will be muted, and camera turned off so as not to disrupt the meeting.

Joining the meeting

When you register, you will receive a link to attend the meeting. On clicking the link, you’ll be allowed into the lobby until the meeting begins. The moderator will remind you of the code of conduct prior to the meeting starting.

At the beginning of the meeting, the chair will introduce themselves and the committee members and go through what will happen at the meeting. Agendas for the meetings will be available seven days prior and published below.

You will not be allowed to listen to confidential information (e.g. commercially sensitive or personal details involved). These agenda items will take place at the end of the public session and observers will be advised by the chair who will announce the end of the public session.

Recording and retaining of meetings

The LMC meetings will be recorded and retained for a period of three months, when the minutes will be published after being approved by the committee. The recording and transcript will be disposed of in a secure manner. Confidential items that contain personal details, third party information, commercially sensitive or not in the public interest will not be recorded.

Minutes from the meetings will be published below. Please be aware members of the public may film, record audio, take photographs and use social media and the internet to report on any meetings that are open to the public.

Below is the next agenda for the Lawley Management Committee meeting as well as the published minutes from the meeting previously. The agenda and previous meeting minutes will be published no later than seven calendar days prior to the meeting.

Below is the agenda for the Lawley Management Committee meeting taking place on 4th February 2025. To observe the meeting, please register by visiting meeting dates above.

Agendas for each meeting and previous meeting minutes will be published below no later than seven calendar days prior to the meeting.

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