
Grounds Maintenance Tender Project

Posted on: 19 Jul 23

Currently landscaping work is carried out by BVT’s grounds maintenance team. Some time ago, the resident led Lawley Management Committee asked to go out to the market to ensure we are providing the best value for money. This was agreed and the tender process is now taking place.

The time frame for this is as follows:
Invitation issued to companies to tender: 11th July 2023
Site visits: 13th July – 25th July
Companies are given the opportunity to visit Lawley and see the areas that come under the scope of the tender. Each company will be provided with a letter of authorisation, which you can request to see.
Deadline for submission of tenders: 8th August
Tender awarded and mandatory standstill period: August/September
Finalisation of contact with successful tenderer: 30th September
New Contract starts: 1st January 2024

The tender process will ensure we provide the best value in relation to the community charge whilst continuing to increase the standard levels we wish for the open spaces and courtyards within our areas of responsibility.

A number of residents have supported us in developing the specification of works and will form part of the selection panel in awarding the contract.

Details of the new contractor and specification will be published once the contract has been awarded.
If you would like any further details about the ground’s maintenance tender, please email [email protected]