
Lawley Management Committee Elections 2024

This year elections are taking place to join the Lawley Management Committee. The Committee work alongside our Lawley Estates and Stewardship team for the benefit of the whole community. Further information about the committee can be found here

Below are all the details you need to know about the election, including:

  • Who is eligible to nominate themselves.
  • The process and how to nominate.
  • Dates of drop-in sessions to find out more and meet current committee members.

To be eligible for the committee you need to be:

  • 18 years old or above.
  • Live in a community charge paying household in Lawley (there can only be one candidate per household). Members can be tenants, freeholders or leaseholders.
  • To not be disqualified from acting as a member of the Committee which includes reasons such as bankruptcy or certain unspent criminal convictions (guidance will be included within the application pack).
  • Not in breach of the TP1 e.g. unauthorised property alterations, non-payment of community charge.

Members of the committee attend formal meetings four times a year and project group meetings eight times a year. There are also opportunities to join other sub-groups such as the green group, communications groups and events group, depending on your interests.

As a committee member you will be involved in:

  • Considering and proposing the annual budget for the Community Charge.
  • Developing and recommending an annual service plan.
  • Developing and recommending approval of the annual planned maintenance programme.
  • Developing and recommending approval of amendments to the design guide.
  • Receiving quarterly financial reports on expenditure against budget, estate management activities, community engagement and local partnership working and development in Lawley.
  • Receive and reach decisions on alteration appeals against the Lawley Design Guide.

We’re holding a number of information drop-in sessions and live Facebook Q&A sessions to give you the opportunity to find out more about what it’s like to be a committee member by chatting with existing members and our Estates and Stewardship team.

They are taking place on:

Wednesday 17th July 4.30pm-6.30pm Information drop-in session at Lawley Community Hub.

Tuesday 23rd July 5.30pm-6.30pm Live Facebook session.

Thursday 22nd August 4pm-6pm Information drop-in session at Lawley Community Hub.

Tuesday 20th August 5pm-6pm Live Facebook session.

Nominations open on 8th July and close on 27th August (extended deadline) at 9am. You can nominate yourself online (form below) or if you require a paper copy, please pop into the Lawley Community Hub in the Village square.

Lawley Management Committee Nomination form

Nomination submission process

Please complete this nomination form and submit, together with a recent photograph, by 9am on Tuesday 27th August 2024 (extended deadline). If you prefer to complete a paper version, please contact us via lawleyelections@bvt.org.uk or pop into the Lawley Community Hub in the village square.

All homeowners, tenants and leaseholders who pay the Stewardship Charge in Lawley will be invited to vote for their preferred candidates when voting opens from Monday 16th September 2024 until Monday 7th October 2024.

Nomination form for Lawley Management Committee

Please answer the following questions:


I declare that:
Signature of applicant*